
We've Been Here Before

Headlines screaming inflation and rising gas prices dominate my screen daily. It’s hard not to see the daily effects of rising costs in both our personal and professional lives. The roller coaster ride the stock market is on is concerning even to the most passive investor.

 We’ve been here before. We will get through this.

How Much ?!

“How much?” is a common question in our world. It is asked countless times a day in our office or on a jobsite. Whether we are screening a subcontractor, evaluating a change on a jobsite, or discussing an upcoming project with a client, it inevitably has to be asked. With subcontractors and vendors, it is a straightforward discussion to address a current situation. When asked by a client or a prospect how much a project is going to cost, it has a lot more nuance.

The Amazon Effect


How to Maintain Stability in an Uncertain Economy